I have learned quite a lot with iMovie such as how to view clips and join different clips together to make it more professional. An example would be when I cropped each individual clips to minus any unnecessary parts of the clips to make the trailer flow better. iMovie has helped me to understand the importance of timing between music and the videos for example in my clips, when she reaches down to pick up her card she dropped, (20 secs into the clip) a sudden sound occurs as legs behind are shown, this creates a lot of excitement and tension which attracts more audience. I have shown the part below.

I have also learnt how to add texts in between my clips as shown below to help narrate the story with giving limited knowledge about the film itself. This helped the trailer to build tension and the audiences attention which are key to a successful  trailer. I have asked someone for feedback for this part and got a response.

The picture above shows me having a text between my clips. This helped me a lot for viewers to understand what is happening or to get an understanding of what the film is going to be about.

Viewer 1: I thought the text in between Gagan’s clips were suitably placed and worked well over all, however they were slightly corny.

I took this into account and decided to reduce the amount of text I Had.

-What did you find easy/hard? What I found difficult through this whole process was the actual recording and camera shots itself. This was because i had to remain very still and make suggestions about what shots and angles to use way before actually making the clips. Therefore I had to do a lot of planning which to me was one of the difficult parts. I also found the brightness and darkness difficult in clips where it was low or too high for example when we were stood outside and inside. The lighting was different therefore had to be edited using IMovie to make the trailer look as realistic as possible.

However there was some parts which I found easy for example the actual editing of the clips such as cropping and timing the clips. This was simply because I do generally enjoy using the Imovie software. I also found adding texts into my trailer quite simple to do but did have a couple of issues with placing them in to match the trailer.

-How will I use this software to create your final trailer?

I am going to use this software to create my own trailer by its functions such as titles in between clips and how to make the best out of them i.e. use titles to narrate the story or help audiences to get a brief idea of what the film is going to be about. I am also going to be using this software for when I crop and edit clips to make them most effective as well delete parts of clips which may not be scary or useful enough.

I movie allows you to use special effects on the clips. This would be most useful as it would make my trailer look more interesting and hi tec. I used one of the special effects in my practice trailer which was ‘earthquake’ and got a very positive reaction from my teacher and other students in the class therefore made me decided to use this effect for when I make my actual trailer.

-Did I find the youtube tutorial useful/inspiring in showing you i Movie capabilities?

To help me understand the software better than I already do, I decided to look through some tutorials to help me.  They were very helpful for example I was not fully aware of how to import videos into IMovie’s and also how to record yourself from the IMovie camera. To help me i searched this up on the internet and found a video that helped me alot which I have shown you throught a link. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MXtuMp46pxc 

Furthermore i decided to do some more research for future projects of my coursework such as Photoshop. From AS I did not have fully skilled potential on how to use photoshop so decided to do some extra research by watching videos from youtube about Photoshop as shown. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Iwp2a9ex0SQ I have shown one of the many videos researched. The link told me how to crop image without hassle and messing up the image itself, it was quite useful and im glad I researched this.

-How important was editing to my success of this sequence?

Editing had a huge impact on the success of my trailer. Without editing the trailer would not look very professional and quite bland. My trailer s that have been done for practice has helped me understand that clips and parts of the video must match and flow. With editing this can be possible for example #fade in’ and ‘fade out’ helping the clips to be viewed more slowly and with a sense of professionalism.

Editing helps to bring interest and suspense to a trailer. All trailers that have been researched did use the same conventions which were all successful only through its editing. In conclusion to all my knowledge, I will be using a lot of editing in my actual trailer however not too much to make it perfect for a horror trailer.

-Did I use any of the research you did on the Horror Film Genre to inspire your editing choices of this practice sequence?

The research that was done on existing trailers did help me when making my practice trailer for example the sudden changes in clips was very successful in existing so was used in mine. Furthermore leaving trailers on a negative and interesting way also creates viewers interest and persuasion to watch the film. Therefore I also did this such as when i left the clip on her sad face or in my practice clip when I leave the trailer with the ‘bad person’ slowly following the victim in the end.